Current version: 2.0
These pages are currently being rewritten pending the release of NextPage 2.0
Some parts of this text may apply to previous versions of NextPage and not the current version.

User`s Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Before you start to use NextPage
  2. Introduction to working with NextPage
  3. The Web Interface (quick overview)
  4. Projects
  5. The project file
    1. Introduction
    2. Groups
    3. Using relative paths
    4. Directives
    5. Directives categories
    6. Directives Overview
  6. Source files
    1. Tags
  7. Working with templates
  8. The web interface revisited
    1. Project Management
    2. User management
    3. Editor
  9. TUTORIAL: Setting up a new project
  10. Troubleshooting
  11. Known bugs
  12. ToDo [admin only]

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Last modified: Saturday, August 10 2002

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